
Hello and welcome to my personal bio page. My name is Heather but I almost always go by the name Rekka Alexiel online. I have been using this nick for well over five years now. For those of you who may recognize the name, I do not accredit the anime "Rekka no Honou" aka "Flame of Rekka" toward this nickname but rather "Yoroiden Samurai Troopers" aka "Ronin Warriors" and "Angel Sanctuary". I was an avid fan of Samurai Troopers when it first began showing in '95, and from there, my interest in Japanese culture and language sprouted.
My interests are rather scattered. I love anime, video games (mostly RPGs), rather odd topics of discussion including the paranormal and everything else Japanese. My topic of choice to write about has mostly been limited in the realm of relatively realistic science fiction, which tries to make the existence of magic and other inhuman forms of power real. I've had an over-active imagination since I was a kid and have always enjoyed torturing my favorite or main character the most. Yes, perhaps I was born partially evil--aren't we all? Even still, I have a hard time focusing these scattered thoughts and using them to further a single plotline. I tend to get bored a lot and have to shift over to something new and refreshing. Honestly, I do not have ADD, even if it may seem as though I do.
I am 29 and live in Nagoya, Japan. |
About the Story
There are many influences that helped shape "gdragon" as I call it for short, but my original idea for it was somewhat based on ideas and themes in the anime series B't X. They used the idea of cybernetics and machines a lot and I liked the idea. I knew I wanted a main character that was lost, didn't really know who he was or what was in store for him.
I had a whole character list and plot outline...but I have no idea where it is. Plus, I've deviated quite a bit since my original thoughts for the story. But whenever I can find my old notes again, I'll post them here.