So, I haven't written a new chapter in a long time, but I haven't forgotten the characters in the story. I'm still thinking up future events of the story. So, until I have time to actually work on a new chapter, here is some monologues that I'm going to write in the voice of each character.

((I wrote a bunch of these monologues in my story notebook, but unfortunately I don't have it with me right now... I'll type up some new monologues on the fly for the time being.))

Am I alive, or am I dead...? It's been so long, I don't know the difference any more. This path that I'm walking down, I can see it stretch out beneith my feet, and if I turn around, I can see it winding back and forth until it's swallowed by the darkness. But the path ahead? No matter how hard I look, no matter how brightly I light myself on fire, I cannot see the way forward. Is there even a path? Does it exist...or is this the end?

It was the end, the end of my original self. He is dead and gone. And here I am, the remaining tattered muscle and bones, and soul? What of my soul? Is it really mine...or is it his? Are we the same or are we two separate beings treking down this bleak path into nothingness? I feel like I should know the answer to this question and yet it elludes me. Maybe I'm just thinking too hard.